• junho 19, 2024
Polícia prende homem por quebra de medida protetiva e ameaça na forma da Lei Maria da Penha em Petrópolis

Agentes da 105ª DP, coordenados pela Delegada Dra. Fernanda Marchesi, prenderam um homem em flagrante, na noite desta terça-feira (18), pelos crimes de quebra de medida protetiva e ameaça na forma da Lei Maria da Penha, em Petrópolis. O acusado tem antecedentes criminais por violência doméstica e tráfico de drogas.

Segundo a Polícia Civil, o homem, das 12h59 às 18h, enviou mensagens de WhatsApp para a mulher fazendo as seguintes ameaças: “Não durma em casa… vou atrás de você, você vai ficar em paz com Deus, vou te encontrar por aí… não tenho medo de ser preso, pode ir à delegacia”. Enquanto a vítima realizava a denúncia, o autor informou que estava a esperando no Terminal Centro. Imediatamente, a equipe de plantão se deslocou ao local, mantendo-a sob vigilância e proximidade. Em seguida, o acusado foi falar com ela, quebrando a medida protetiva. Os policiais disfarçados imobilizaram o homem e o detiveram.

Na delegacia, o homem confirmou o envio das mensagens e que tinha ciência da medida protetiva em vigor. Sendo assim, foi preso em flagrante sem direito à fiança.

Fonte: O Dia

  • outubro 6, 2023
Moment Pot Formulas That Make Meals Part

A superb tranquility has taken ownership of my whole soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my entirety heart.

I am so upbeat, my expensive companion, so ingested within the dazzling sense of insignificant peaceful presence, that I disregard my gifts.

I am alone, and feel the charm of presence in this spot, which was made for the rapture of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my dear friend, so retained within the dazzling sense of unimportant serene presence, that I disregard my gifts.

I ought to be unfit of drawing a single stroke at the show minute; and however I feel that I never was a more prominent craftsman than presently.

When, whereas the exquisite valley abounds with vapor around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but some stray sparkles take into the inward haven, I toss myself down among the tall grass by the streaming stream; and, as I lie near to the soil, a thousand obscure plants are taken note by me: when I listen the buzz of the small world among the stalks, and develop commonplace with the incalculable incredible shapes of the creepy crawlies and flies, at that point I feel the nearness of the All-powerful, who shaped us in his own picture, and the breath of that all inclusive cherish which bears and maintains us, because it drifts around us in an forever of euphoria; and after, that my companion, when obscurity overspreads my eyes, and paradise and soil appear to stay in my soul and assimilate its control, just like the shape of a cherished fancy woman, then I regularly think with yearning, Goodness, would I might depict these conceptions, may inspire upon paper all that’s living so full and warm inside me, that it can be the reflect of my soul, as my soul is the reflect of the interminable God!

O my companion — but it is as well much for my quality — I sink beneath the weight of the quality of these dreams! A superb quietness has taken ownership of my whole soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my entirety heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of presence in this spot, which was made for the rapture of souls like mine.Paragraph

I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so retained within the dazzling sense of simple peaceful presence, that I disregard my abilities. I ought to be unfit of drawing a single stroke at the show minute; and however I feel that I never was a more prominent craftsman than presently. When, whereas the beautiful valley abounds with vapor around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impervious foliage of my trees, and but many stray glimmers take into the inward asylum, I toss myself down among the tall grass by the streaming stream;and, as I lie near to the soil, a thousand obscure plants are taken note by me: when I listen the buzz of the small world among the stalks, and develop recognizable with the incalculable indescribable forms of the creepy crawlies.

  • outubro 6, 2023
Prepare dishes wisely and decorate with love

A superb tranquility has taken ownership of my whole soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my entirety heart.

I am so upbeat, my expensive companion, so ingested within the dazzling sense of insignificant peaceful presence, that I disregard my gifts.

I am alone, and feel the charm of presence in this spot, which was made for the rapture of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my dear friend, so retained within the dazzling sense of unimportant serene presence, that I disregard my gifts.

I ought to be unfit of drawing a single stroke at the show minute; and however I feel that I never was a more prominent craftsman than presently.

When, whereas the exquisite valley abounds with vapor around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but some stray sparkles take into the inward haven, I toss myself down among the tall grass by the streaming stream; and, as I lie near to the soil, a thousand obscure plants are taken note by me: when I listen the buzz of the small world among the stalks, and develop commonplace with the incalculable incredible shapes of the creepy crawlies and flies, at that point I feel the nearness of the All-powerful, who shaped us in his own picture, and the breath of that all inclusive cherish which bears and maintains us, because it drifts around us in an forever of euphoria; and after, that my companion, when obscurity overspreads my eyes, and paradise and soil appear to stay in my soul and assimilate its control, just like the shape of a cherished fancy woman, then I regularly think with yearning, Goodness, would I might depict these conceptions, may inspire upon paper all that’s living so full and warm inside me, that it can be the reflect of my soul, as my soul is the reflect of the interminable God!

O my companion — but it is as well much for my quality — I sink beneath the weight of the quality of these dreams! A superb quietness has taken ownership of my whole soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my entirety heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of presence in this spot, which was made for the rapture of souls like mine.Paragraph

I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so retained within the dazzling sense of simple peaceful presence, that I disregard my abilities. I ought to be unfit of drawing a single stroke at the show minute; and however I feel that I never was a more prominent craftsman than presently. When, whereas the beautiful valley abounds with vapor around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impervious foliage of my trees, and but many stray glimmers take into the inward asylum, I toss myself down among the tall grass by the streaming stream;and, as I lie near to the soil, a thousand obscure plants are taken note by me: when I listen the buzz of the small world among the stalks, and develop recognizable with the incalculable indescribable forms of the creepy crawlies.